品揃えが良かったです。 (Translated by Google)
The selection was good.Love Courage2024年10月18日
豊浜和田浜の自宅を昨日16:35発ワークウェイ観音寺店に17:00到着ベルトを購入しました🌟2100円ベルト1本でもサービスで袋入れ頂き感謝しています。笑顔対応して頂き嬉しいです☺️ (Translated by Google)
I purchased a belt that left my home in Toyohama Wadahama yesterday at 16:35 and arrived at Workway Kannonji store at 17:00 🌟 I am grateful that they provided a service for just one 2,100 yen belt and put it in a bag. I’m glad you responded with a smile ☺️kohzo. gohda2024年8月23日
なか (Translated by Google)
安くて品揃えがいいです。 (Translated by Google)
It's cheap and has a good selection.レインボー北斗2024年1月6日
最終手段で来店します。ユニクロやスーパーで探して無ければここで探してる。物の質は他と変わらずましてや安く購入できた!サイズや数量は多くないが、早く行けばゲット出来ますから来店してみてよ~🤗 (Translated by Google)
I will come to the store as a last resort. If I can't find it at Uniqlo or the supermarket, I'm looking for it here. The quality of the items was the same as the others, and I was able to purchase them at a cheaper price!The sizes and quantities are not large, but if you go early, you can get them, so come and check it out~🤗ぷくちゃん2023年12月17日
店員さんが親切に対応してくれました。また行きたいお店です。 (Translated by Google)
The store staff responded kindly. This is a store I would like to visit again.小林義広2023年2月3日
仕事柄良く利用します。作業服や靴は大概買いに寄りますね。重宝してます。 (Translated by Google)
I use it well for my work. I usually stop by to buy work clothes and shoes. I find it useful.崇彰2023年1月3日
圧迫感のある店内、香川県の他店と置いてある品の感じが違う。工業的でなく、農業寄り? (Translated by Google)
The store has an oppressive feel, and the items on display are different from other stores in Kagawa Prefecture. Agricultural rather than industrial?133MHz 386SX2022年12月25日
久しぶりに来店したけど、とても良かったです (Translated by Google)
I went to the Marugame store in the morning, but the size of the product I wanted happened to be out of stock.
I went to the Kannonji store
When I arrived at the store, I found the size of the product I wanted and was able to purchase it.
The customer service attitude of the employees is also very good.
It was easy to shop
Nowadays, there are many festival-friendly products.
I thought I'd come take a look this time
I was excited to see that there were many sizes for my grandchildren.
It's been a while since I've been here, but it was very good大西仁美2022年10月1日
お手頃。 (Translated by Google)
祭り用品の品揃えが良い (Translated by Google)
Good selection of festival supplies塩吉2022年9月11日
なんでも揃う! (Translated by Google)
We have everything!ふぁら2022年7月7日
bronze net2022年6月25日
eko dhika2022年5月30日
お値打ち品ゲットしました。ラッキー😃💕 (Translated by Google)
I got a bargain item. Lucky😃💕田坪さとみ2022年4月10日
ですが、お店の方の対応が、とても、よかったです。また利用しようと、思いました。 (Translated by Google)
I'm sorry that we were at the last minute of closing.
However, the response from the store staff was very good. I thought I would use it again.i a2022年4月8日
Is amazingkarto dinomo2022年3月13日
Y T2021年11月14日
ちょっと乱雑だが、品物の多さと質の良さは水準以上。よく似た店舗より値段も安い❗特に靴下は品揃え豊富です。職人以外の人も一見の価値ありです☺ (Translated by Google)
It's a little messy, but the variety and quality of items are above average. The prices are cheaper than similar stores ❗We especially have a wide selection of socks. It's worth a look even if you're not a craftsman ☺岩島敏男2021年5月20日
ワークの日はプレゼントもありち作業着関係の靴下や普段着がお手頃です😄 (Translated by Google)
There are gifts available on work days, and workwear-related socks and everyday wear are affordable 😄正和前川2020年2月8日
品揃え豊富で、陳列も綺麗でした。 (Translated by Google)
There was a wide selection of products and the displays were beautiful.shyboy2020年1月11日
掘り出し物があり、助かった‼️ (Translated by Google)
I found a bargain and was saved! ️玉の助玉の助2019年8月9日
品揃えが良かったです。 (Translated by Google)
The selection was good.Love Courage2024年10月18日
豊浜和田浜の自宅を昨日16:35発ワークウェイ観音寺店に17:00到着ベルトを購入しました🌟2100円ベルト1本でもサービスで袋入れ頂き感謝しています。笑顔対応して頂き嬉しいです☺️ (Translated by Google)
I purchased a belt that left my home in Toyohama Wadahama yesterday at 16:35 and arrived at Workway Kannonji store at 17:00 🌟 I am grateful that they provided a service for just one 2,100 yen belt and put it in a bag. I’m glad you responded with a smile ☺️kohzo. gohda2024年8月23日
なか (Translated by Google)
安くて品揃えがいいです。 (Translated by Google)
It's cheap and has a good selection.レインボー北斗2024年1月6日
最終手段で来店します。ユニクロやスーパーで探して無ければここで探してる。物の質は他と変わらずましてや安く購入できた!サイズや数量は多くないが、早く行けばゲット出来ますから来店してみてよ~🤗 (Translated by Google)
I will come to the store as a last resort. If I can't find it at Uniqlo or the supermarket, I'm looking for it here. The quality of the items was the same as the others, and I was able to purchase them at a cheaper price!The sizes and quantities are not large, but if you go early, you can get them, so come and check it out~🤗ぷくちゃん2023年12月17日
店員さんが親切に対応してくれました。また行きたいお店です。 (Translated by Google)
The store staff responded kindly. This is a store I would like to visit again.小林義広2023年2月3日
仕事柄良く利用します。作業服や靴は大概買いに寄りますね。重宝してます。 (Translated by Google)
I use it well for my work. I usually stop by to buy work clothes and shoes. I find it useful.崇彰2023年1月3日
圧迫感のある店内、香川県の他店と置いてある品の感じが違う。工業的でなく、農業寄り? (Translated by Google)
The store has an oppressive feel, and the items on display are different from other stores in Kagawa Prefecture. Agricultural rather than industrial?133MHz 386SX2022年12月25日
久しぶりに来店したけど、とても良かったです (Translated by Google)
I went to the Marugame store in the morning, but the size of the product I wanted happened to be out of stock.
I went to the Kannonji store
When I arrived at the store, I found the size of the product I wanted and was able to purchase it.
The customer service attitude of the employees is also very good.
It was easy to shop
Nowadays, there are many festival-friendly products.
I thought I'd come take a look this time
I was excited to see that there were many sizes for my grandchildren.
It's been a while since I've been here, but it was very good大西仁美2022年10月1日
お手頃。 (Translated by Google)
祭り用品の品揃えが良い (Translated by Google)
Good selection of festival supplies塩吉2022年9月11日
なんでも揃う! (Translated by Google)
We have everything!ふぁら2022年7月7日
bronze net2022年6月25日
eko dhika2022年5月30日
お値打ち品ゲットしました。ラッキー😃💕 (Translated by Google)
I got a bargain item. Lucky😃💕田坪さとみ2022年4月10日
ですが、お店の方の対応が、とても、よかったです。また利用しようと、思いました。 (Translated by Google)
I'm sorry that we were at the last minute of closing.
However, the response from the store staff was very good. I thought I would use it again.i a2022年4月8日
Is amazingkarto dinomo2022年3月13日
Y T2021年11月14日
ちょっと乱雑だが、品物の多さと質の良さは水準以上。よく似た店舗より値段も安い❗特に靴下は品揃え豊富です。職人以外の人も一見の価値ありです☺ (Translated by Google)
It's a little messy, but the variety and quality of items are above average. The prices are cheaper than similar stores ❗We especially have a wide selection of socks. It's worth a look even if you're not a craftsman ☺岩島敏男2021年5月20日
ワークの日はプレゼントもありち作業着関係の靴下や普段着がお手頃です😄 (Translated by Google)
There are gifts available on work days, and workwear-related socks and everyday wear are affordable 😄正和前川2020年2月8日
品揃え豊富で、陳列も綺麗でした。 (Translated by Google)
There was a wide selection of products and the displays were beautiful.shyboy2020年1月11日
掘り出し物があり、助かった‼️ (Translated by Google)
I found a bargain and was saved! ️玉の助玉の助2019年8月9日